On The Way

Environmental Statement

Top Group applies the highest standards and best practices as well as quality controls not only to its businesses but also to its environmental commitment. Our environmental standards are high and we continuously discuss how to improve our operations while limiting the carbon footprint. Australia is a beautiful place to live in and likemany other locations in the world it is affected by climate change, limited resources and a sensitive environment.

As a service provider having tourists and travellers as customers, we benefit from our eco system and the beauty of the nature around us. As a company we feel as corporate citizens, our founders, managers and employees share an organizational culture that values and rewards responsibility and stewardship. We are committed to continuously improve our environmental practice, to reduce waste, use resources efficiently and educate our customers and suppliers. Our local communities matter to us and we want to prosper with them.

We are commited to operate in an environtmentally responsible manner. Top Group works to reduce the carbon footprint of its operation and to eliminate waste of energy and other resources. We also encourage our customers to limit their emissions. Corporate Social Responsibility is at our heart and we want to do our part to make a difference and to make the world a better place. Our Jaffa Java brand is a good example. With every purchase the customer makes, we are donating money to save and protect wild tigers. Our coffees are organic and fair trade, which is an attribute our customers, staff and employees value highly.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Also join our Facebook group to always get the news about Top Group and it’s commitment. We would like to hear from you. 

The Top Group Team

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